How I work.
I enjoy working with creative people who have interesting, helpful ideas to build. Using Unreal Engine, Blender, C++, and Python, I take pleasure in solving issues or providing people with a fun visual art experience.
Having spent the last half decade studying, collaborating, and producing content that I find interesting.
I've devoted myself to collaboration to ensure a more enjoyable and streamlined process for creating the things we love.
Facilitation & collaboration.
Many creatives have trouble communicating with each other or with clients. I have been developing tools and methods to facilitate this process.
I specialize in identifying and solving issues that slow pipelines down. Building a solid pipeline is an extremely important and underrated aspect of creative work for any team, whether big, small, or even for solo projects.
Clean Blueprint and Code.
Messy code can hurt and bring confusion into projects, which can be easily fixed by having decent standards. Many find this a drag and disruptive to their creative flow.
Building tools that make this easier is something I have been working on.
New Challenges.
Many people are afraid of learning, but I love discovering new ways of creating things. I know I don't know everything, and that makes me happy because I enjoy the process of learning new skills and am quite fast at it.
For example, this website: I could have used a website builder, but I decided to learn CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. I spent four days learning and building it. It's not perfect, but it's good for a first try.